"Lego Batman" introduces more LEGO-fied villains

"Lego Batman" introduces more LEGO-fied villains

"The Lego Batman Movie" is hitting the big screen this February 2017! Before this, we've already taken a look at the LEGO-fied heroes and villains of the animated movie. Now, we get to feast our eyes on new character posters that introduce not only more of the Batman family but also more villains! Before you catch the adorable characters (voiced by Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Zach Galifianakis, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes and more) in the Chris McKay-directed movie, take a closer look at them first in the gallery below:

Riddler's appearance in this movie is not a puzzle, really.

Cute name but very bad Penguin.

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