2 Dec – International media house Eros International and Soundarya Rajnikanth's Ocher Studios have joined hands to co-produce the next film of Superstar Rajnikanth to be directed by K. S. Ravikumar, as reported by Indiaglitz. The film titled "Rana" is going to be another big multilingual movie that will be released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. Scheduled to begin filming in March this year, "Rana" will be a live action magnum opus with Rajni playing triple roles. The film will have the musical touches of A.R Rahman, cinematography by Ratnavelu, editing by Antony and Rajeevan as the art director. The technical and special effects director will be Soundarya Rajnikanth and Charles Darby of Eyeqube Studios, and Emmy-award winning visual effects luminary will lend his talents as the visual effects supervisor for the film. Speaking on the development, the Managing Director of Eros International Media Ltd. Sunil Lulla said, "We are extremely excited to join hands with Tamil industry's most popular super star Rajnikanth for 'Rana' and this time audiences will be treated to their favourite actor donning a triple role in the film. Rana is going to be far different from any of the recent Rajni films, a complete live action magnum opus with loads of entertainment for his fans". "Rana" is scheduled for a release in early 2012.