Haven't we all been guilty of imagining our beloved planet Earth conquered by slimy grotesque looking aliens, our skies streaked with thousands of blinking UFO lights, synchronised in a perfect firework display, accompanied by otherworldly frequency of sounds and our minds consequently erased to a vegetative state by a flash of blinding light? Well, maybe not. But while some believe that the idea of an alien invasion being not too far-fetched, some of us have definitely seen the theory explored in movies and shudder to think such a scenario might even be possible someday. With the latest alien invasion movie; "Cowboys And Aliens" just around the corner, even the cowboys of the Wild West aren't spared. In conjunction with the Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde starring extra-terrestrial flick, here's a tribute listing some of the best alien invasion films that give us the creeps.
Notable Mentions: "Attack The Block", "Village Of The Damned", "Evolution", "World Invasion Battle: Los Angeles", "Dreamcatcher", "The Day The Earth Stood Still" and "Species".