FINAS calls for creative minds

FINAS calls for creative minds

1 Mar - The National Film Development Corporation (FINAS) will continue with the Malaysian Creative Pitch (MCPITCH 2013) to commercialise creative and innovative ideas.

The director of the Human Capital Development in FINAS who also stands as the Chairman of FFM25's (Malaysian Film Festival-25) Film Appreciation and Superpitch, Mohd Fazli Abdul Aziz has stated that MCPITCH started and was introduced for the first time when FFM24 was held two years ago.

"FINAS, in collaboration with the Malaysian Creative Content Industry Guild (CCIG), will be conducting Superpitch Malaysia in 2013 and will host the screening for the Apresiasi: Rahim Razali, Seniman Kontempoprari Penerus Legasi award (Appreciation: Rahim Razali, Contemporary Successor Legacy) with the cooperation of the Academy of Art Culture and Heritage (ASWARA) this Saturday," he said.

According to Fazli, this event is open to everyone who has creative and innovative ideas wanted to be commercialised in the form of TV shows, films, documentaries and commercials, disregarding status and age.

The Superpitch competition will offer a cash prize of RM 2,000 to the winner. The contestants will be judged by a jury consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture, FINAS, broadcasters, film personalities and film producers.
