2 Jun – Following the success of their previous animation film, "Geng Pengembaraan Bermula", Les' Copaque are back with their latest project which this time features a collaboration between the animation studio and KRU Studios for the live-action film, "Upin Ipin Jeng Jeng Jeng". According to the managing director of Les' Copaque, Tuan Hj Burhanuddin Md Radzi, his team are planning to release the film in cinemas around the month of November this year. "Very soon, we will be sending the film to the LPF (Malaysian Film Censorship Board) and we're planning to screen the film on 24 November 2016 in conjunction with MAHA 2016 (Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture & Agrotourism Expo) where Upin Ipin serve as the official mascots," he said when Cinema Online met him at the press conference for "Upin Ipin Jeng Jeng Jeng" at Aloft Hotel, KL Sentral, yesterday.
Burhanuddin also added that the idea to make the film into a live-action one was derived from his wife, Hajah Ainon back in 2013 when there wasn't a film of that sort in the local film industry. The production of the film was divided into two parts; KRU Studios conducted the live-action shots using real actors, meanwhile Les' Copaque inserted the animation subjects into the film. Talking about the challenges faced by the production team, he mentioned that they had to suffer a RM70,000 loss after they had to undergo reshoots for the first portion of the film to ensure that at the end of the day, they had a quality film in their hands. With a production budget of RM4 million, the film is directed by Erma Fatima along with Hajah Ainon and it stars Asyiela Putri (Upin & Ipin), Puteri Balqis, Awie, Sara Ali, Gambit Saifullah and Remy Ishak. "Upin Ipin Jeng Jeng Jeng" will be distributed by Primeworks Studios and is supported by FINAS (National Film Development Corporation Malaysia) and MDeC (Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation).