FFM 29 includes ASC International Master Class

FFM 29 includes ASC International Master Class

The event will feature ASC instructors (L-R) Dean Cundey, James Neihouse, and
Theo Van De Sande.

4 Sep – The American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) International Master Class is coming our way, Malaysia!

Held in cooperation with the Malaysian Society of Cinematographers and National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS), the Master Class session will be held in conjunction with the upcoming 29th Malaysian Film Festival (FFM 29).

It was revealed on ASC's official website that the five-day event is designed by cinematography experts for the working cinematography professionals, shedding light on the techniques utilised in shooting feature films, television and other projects.

The program will feature world-renowned cinematographers and ASC instructors: Dean Cundey ("Halloween", "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and "Back to the Future" trilogy), James Neihouse (IMAX projects "The Dream is Alive" and "Blue Planet") and Dutch Film Academy graduates Theo Van De Sande ("Blade", "Cruel Intentions", and "Grown Ups").

Each will be bringing their unique professional experience and creative approach to the class, paired with fine teaching skills.

A perfect opportunity to learn from the best, the ASC International Master Class will take place at the FINAS Sound Stage Studio from 18 till 22 September 2017.

Meanwhile, the main event of FFM 29 itself will be held on 23 September at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), KL.

(Photo source: Dean Cundey | Daily Bruin, James Neihouse's IMDb, JAS Production)

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