6 May – Australian actor Liam Hemsworth has signed himself up to star in the action-thriller "Killerman", written and directed by promising new director, Malik Bader. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the "Hunger Games" star will play a money launderer, Moe Diamond, who became an amnesiac as a result of an accident that took place during a deal gone wrong. Now, he's got gangsters and dirty cops after him and he can't remember why. The Solution is fully financing and handling international rights and plans to introduce the project to buyers during the Cannes Film Festival. The Solution's Myles Nestel is set to produce the movie alongside John and Michael Schwarz. Hemsworth was last seen starring in last year's "Independence Day: Resurgence". Currently, "Killerman" is his sole next confirmed project. Meanwhile, director Bader is known for "Cash Only", a critically acclaimed movie that was premiered at the 2015 Fantasia International Film Festival where Bader won the Best Director award. Before that, Bader starred in and directed "Street Thief" which was met with positive reception at the Tribeca Film Festival. "Killerman" is set to start shooting this August. A release date has yet to be announced. (Photo source: Liam Hemsworth's Facebook.)