Fan Bingbing fined USD 130 million for tax scandal

Fan Bingbing fined USD 130 million for tax scandal

Will Fan Bingbing return to the spotlight now that her tax investigation is over?

3 Oct – Chinese actress Fan Bingbing has been fined by the Chinese authorities over misreporting the amount of money received for her film projects.

As reported on Xinhua, the actress, who disappeared from public view in June this year, would have to pay USD 86 million in fine for using "yin yang contracts" in order to avoid hefty amount of taxes.

In addition, she and companies related to her will have to pay USD 42 million in late taxes and fees, making it a total of nearly USD 130 million.

However, no criminal charges will be filed against Fan if she is able to pay all the amount, due to the fact that it is a first-time offense.

The actress' disappearance previously sparked many speculations among fans and netizens alike. Multiple rumours emerged regarding Fan, including that she has been arrested by the government, and that she has escaped to the United States following the scandal.

However, it was recently reported that the actress has been released following months-long investigations into allegations that she was involved in a tax fraud, in which the actress signs two different contracts in order to avoid paying hefty tax.

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