Sequel to "The Sacred Riana: Beginning" to be released in 2020

Sequel to "The Sacred Riana: Beginning" to be released in 2020

As the title implies, "The Sacred Riana: Beginning" is based on Indonesian magician
The Sacred Riana.

3 Dec – The Sacred Riana is a name well known throughout the world, having made a lasting impression as the winner of the second season of "Asia's Got Talent" with her act as the creepy magician-cum-illusionist.

With her ghost-like appearance, The Sacred Riana – real name Marie Antoinette Riana Graharani – attracted the attention of Indonesian film production company, Nant Entertainment, to produce the movie "The Sacred Riana: Beginning".

The movie follows Riana's journey to becoming a magician and all the questions in regard to her tricks and illusions will be answered in the movie.

"The Sacred Riana: Beginning" was released in Indonesia last March, where it received a positive reception from audiences and this has prompted the producers to follow it up with a sequel.

"Yes, if you watch the ending of the movie, you will know that there will be a sequel. Currently, the sequel is in the post-production stage and it is expected to be released in 2020," said Nan Entertainment.

The Sacred Riana (second from left) with the cast and producers at the press screening of
"The Sacred Riana: Beginning" in Malaysia.

One of the cast members, Aura Kasih, admitted that prior to the filming, she initially thought it was strange having to act with someone who doesn't speak.

"The first time I met her, I did say 'hi' but there was no reply and at that time I thought that was strange. However, I eventually got used to it and if there was anything that we had to discuss, I would talk to her manager because The Sacred Riana will only communicate with her manager if she would like to express something."

Apart from Aura, the Billy Christian-directed movie also stars Agatha Chelsea, Prabhu Revolusi, Citra Prima, Alif Brooklyn and many more.

"The Sacred Riana: Beginning" is set to haunt the big screen in local cinemas from this 12 December.

Related Movies:
The Sacred Riana: Beginning (Indonesian) (12 Dec 2019)

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