22 Dec - After the success of his Deepavali-released film, "Annaathe", rumours are rife that Tamil superstar Rajinikanth has found his next movie project. The actor reportedly has been meeting with various directors for his next title, with sources saying that he has been hearing ideas from the likes of filmmakers like Desingu Periyasamy ("Kanulu Kanulanu Dochayante"), Karthik Subbaraj ("Petta"), and Venkat Prabhu ("Maanaadu"). However, Rajinikanth has allegedly expressed interest in a story narrated by director R. Balki, and that the filmmaker's project might be his next one. R. Balki aka R. Balakrishnan is most known for directing the Amitabh Bachchan-starrers, "Cheeni Kum" (2007) and "Paa" (2009). He also won Best Director in the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne in 2018 as well as Best film on social issues at the 66th National Film Awards for his film "Pad Man" starring Akshay Kumar.