20 Oct – Amid rumours of a fallout with Aamir Khan, filmmaker Advait Chandan took to social media to reveal that all is well with the actor-producer. On 18 October, the "Laal Singh Chaddha" director shared a photo of him and Aamir in their surfing gear looking excited, and wrote, "Guys, for all those talking about a fall out between Aamir sir and me, I just want to say that we are like Genie and Aladin, Baloo and Mowgli, Amar and Prem." Rumours of rift between the two sparked following the failure of the movie at the box office, despite the fact that the two parties have been working together for the past 15 years through Aamir's production house. However, despite the lacklustre response the movie had at the box office, the same cannot be said after it came out on Netflix. The movie, which is a Hindi remake of "Forrest Gump", became the number one movie on Netflix in India and number 2 on the non-English film on Netflix globally. It has also featured in the top 10 in 13 countries across the world including Malaysia, Singapore, and the UAE, with many viewers questioning why it flopped in cinemas in the first place.