17 Oct – Salman Khan recently announced that two of his new movies will be releasing on two different festive seasons! On 15 October, the actor shared the first official poster of "Tiger 3", writing, "Tiger has a new date... Diwali 2023 it is! Celebrate #Tiger3 with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu." The upcoming movie co-stars Katrina Kaif, and is directed by Maneesh Sharma. As fans speculated whether the release date means that he will have another movie to be released on Eid next year, Salman confirmed the news a few hours later with a poster of "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan". "Tiger3 now on Diwali 2023 n Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan on Eid 2023. Let's celebrate Eid, Diwali with #KBKJ and #Tiger3. And this Xmas with #Cirkus," he posted. A remake of 2014's hit Tamil movie, "Veeram", "Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan" co-stars Venkatesh, Pooja Hegde, and Jagapathi Babu.