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My Sassy Hubby

Ten years ago, Cheung Sub Sam (Ekin Cheng) and Yo Yo Ma (Charlene Choi) got married to fulfil a promise by their parents, only to fall in love with each other for real regardless of their huge age gap in "My Wife Is 18". Now, Sam is experiencing midlife crisis while Yo Yo begins to think that her husband is dull, not aggressive enough, and lacks planning. Similarly, Yo Yo`s wilfulness and shopping habit is deemed as immature by Sam. In a twist of events, the couple finds that the priest who certified their marriage is not recognized officially, rendering their marriage invalid. Working as a University lecture in Psychology, Sam meets a new student from Beijing, Tong Yi (Zhang Xinyi), and subsequently falls for her sweet and intelligent personality. On the other side, Yoyo`s life became more boring and aimless, that is, until she runs into her old schoolmate, Lam Shu Ho (Izz Tsui), who has admired her since childhood. But Yo Yo and Sam should find that they long for the past..
Pada 10 tahun yang lalu, Cheung Sub Sam (Ekin Cheng) dan Yo Yo Ma (Charlene Choi) berkahwin dalam "My Wife is 18" untuk memenuhi janji terhadap ibu bapa mereka, tetapi akhirnya saling mencintai walaupun terdapat jurang usia yang besar. Kini, Sam sedang menghadapi krisis pertengahan hidup sementara Yo Yo mula rasa suaminya membosankan, tidak cukup agresif dan tidak pandai merancang. Dalam waktu yang sama, sikap Yo Yo yang keras hati dan gemar membeli-belah dilihat oleh Sam sebagai sesuatu yang tidak matang. Pada masa sama, mereka mendapat tahu bahawa paderi memberitahu bahawa perkahwinan mereka tidak sah secara rasmi, lantas mengakibatkan perkahwinan mereka semakin goyah. Sam yang bekerja sebagai pensyarah bidang Psikologi di sebuah universiti bertemu dengan seorang pelajar dari Beijing yang bernama Tong Yi (Zhang Xinyi). Sifat Tong Yi yang lemah lembut dan pintar telah akhirnya mencairkan hati Sam. Manakala hidup Yo Yo yang pada mulanya hambar dengan tiada hala tuju mula berubah apabila dia bertemu semula dengan rakan di zaman sekolah, Lam Shu Ho (Izz Tsui), yang pernah menyukainya semanjak kecil. Tetapi Yo Yo dan Sam perlu mencari apa yang diingini semenjak masa lampau.

Language: Cantonese
Subtitle: NA
Classification: U
Release Date: 6 Dec 2012
Genre: Comedy / Romance
Running Time: 1 Hour 50 Minutes
Cast: Ekin Cheng, Charlene Choi, Zhang Xinyi, Izz Tsui
Director: James Yuen
Format: 35MM, 2D


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Writer: Ng Suzhen

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Nothing much seems to have changed 10 years after Cheung Sub Sam (Ekin Cheng) and Yo Yo Ma (Charlene Choi) got married.

The mismatched pair is still acting according to their ages when they first met, which is fine for Sam, being a mature and reserved psychology professor. Yo Yo however, despite being 28, still acts like the immature and annoying teenager she once was for a major part of the movie.

Both are constantly at odds due to the 12-year age gap, which places them at different stages in life. While Sam is fully committed to his career, Yo Yo is desperate to have some fun and explore the world.

The relationship dynamic between the two leaves one perplexed at how they manage to stick together for so many years, which is the point of the movie, that there is something more to them than constant differing opinions that is keeping them together.

Things do not seem too shaken up even when potential love interests turn up in the form of star student Tong Yi (Zhang Xinyi) and childhood friend Lam Shu Ho (Izz Tsui), until they discover that the priest who ordained their marriage was not recognised, effectively establishing that Sam and Yo Yo were never really married in the first place.

Deciding to go their separate ways after an argument, Yo Yo remains hopeful that both will get back together while Sam, being the practical one, starts to enjoy the more mature company of Tong Yi.
Cheng carries his role with ease, constantly berating Yo Yo for her childish acts while Choi is well, annoyingly good at being juvenile. But when she finally quietens, her emotional performance at conveying her yearning to have her husband back by her side would win you over temporarily as you emphatise with her anguish.

The wonderful surprise in the movie, however, is the performance of the ever reliable Wong Cho Lam and Fatumai, who plays a couple living next door to Sam and Yo Yo. Wong, playing a sharp-tongued husband to Fatumai's absent-minded happy-go-lucky wife, is the reason one has fun with the movie. Scenes showcasing even just his none-too-happy expression are reasons enough to burst into laughter.

Joyce Cheng, who appears as Yo Yo's cousin, takes on a rather exaggerated performance most of the time. She tries her best to fit in to the cast, but unfortunately, sticks out like a sore thumb. Any annoyance at Yo Yo's immaturity disappears the moment both appear on-screen together, as the sentiment is transferred to Cheng instead.

"My Sassy Hubby" may not be the blockbuster of the year, but it does exceed expectations for a Hong Kong movie that looks potentially silly. In fact, one may just be convinced to check out "My Wife Is 18" to find out how they got together in the first place if you have not seen it yet.

Cinema Online, 04 December 2012

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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