Mamak Cupcake | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Mamak Cupcake

MJ is a native-born mamak descendant from Penang, whose passion is to make cupcakes. But his father halts his progress because he wants MJ to inherit his business. As MJ is about to give up on his dream, he meets a girl, Juliana who brings back his passion to make cupcakes.
Filem ini berkisar tentang seorang berketurunan mamak dan merupakan anak jati Penang iaitu MJ (Shaheizy Sam) yang amat meminati dalam pembuatan kek cawan. Konflik berlaku apabila ayahnya ingin mewariskan perniagaan keluarganya kepada MJ. Juliana (Siti Saleha) memberikan harapan baru kepada MJ yang hampir berputus asa. Jadi yang mana satu agaknya pilihan yang akan dibuat oleh MJ?

Language: Malay
Subtitle: NA
Classification: P13
Release Date: 28 Aug 2014
Genre: Drama / Family
Running Time: 1 Hour 35 Minutes
Cast: Shaheizy Sam, Siti Saleha
Director: Ming Jin
Format: 2D

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Writer: Erny Suzira

Writer Ratings:

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The Good, the Bad and the failed Cupcake:

The storyline of this movie is definitely original, combining two very different subjects like 'Mamak' and 'cupcake' will undeniably raise one's eyebrow as to how these two can possibly relate. The story started out very decent and hilarious with fairly high quality effects and animation. Also, two thumbs up for the acting performance of the main character, Shaheizy Sam who really sounded like a real Mamak and also the acting performance via a few other roles played by Azad Jasmin, Veeransingam and Accapan. However, the movie started to turn predictable in the middle when the villains and love interest of the main character shows up, making the storyline turn out to be quite cliche. The romantic relationship between the two protagonists escalated too fast and some of the jokes in the film seem way too forceful to the point that they become too dead-panned. It is understandable that first-time scriptwriter, M. Zulkifli Abd. Jalil tried his best to be as creative and original as possible, but unfortunately there's too many plot holes left unanswered. Nonetheless, this film is a decent heart-warming piece with a unique theme and a noble message.

Look Out For:

The Bollywood dance scene where the two main characters don Indian traditional wear and dance to the beat of Hindustani music, the teh tarik effect that deserves an A+ in this film and the beautifully decorated surreal cupcakes that make you drool.


Shaheizy Sam's real mother, Kathy Fauziah acts as his character's mother in the film.

Best Watched With:

Family, friends or cupcake lovers, since the story is a family-oriented one dealing with cupcakes.

Cinema Online, 28 August 2014

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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