Love The Coopers | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Love The Coopers

Four generations of the Cooper family gather together for their annual Christmas Eve celebration, but when a series of unexpected events happen and unlikely visitors show up at the celebration, everything turns upside down and becomes a total mess. However, the event eventually leads them toward a surprising rediscovery of family bonds and Christmas magic.
FIlem komedi arahan Jessie Nelson ini mengisahkan tentang empat generasi keluarga Cooper berkumpul untuk makan malam bersempena dengan Hari Krismas. Pelbagai siri kejadian tidak dijangka dan lucu berlaku sehingga menyebabkan keadaan menjadi huru-hara. Namun di sebalik segala insiden tersebut, hubungan silatulrahim antara keluarga mereka kembali kukuh.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: P13
Release Date: 10 Dec 2015
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 1 Hour 47 Minutes
Distributor: TGV Pictures
Cast: John Goodman, Diane Keaton, Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Alan Arkin, Marisa Tomei
Director: Jessie Nelson
Format: 2D

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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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