Panggonan Wingit 2: Miss K | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Panggonan Wingit 2: Miss K

After their mother passed away, Alma and her younger sister, Mia, moved from Jakarta to Surabaya because Alma got a job as the manager of Sasmaya Apartments. Strangely, the 6th floor of the building was closed off. However, due to an urgent situation, Alma and Mia were forced to enter the floor and go into unit 610. There, they saw the figure of a mysterious woman and a little girl who said, "Four days, sunset..." From that moment, Alma and Mia began to experience terrifying hauntings. It turns out that unit 610 was a haunted place. Anyone who opens it will die in four days at sunset.
Selepas kematian ibu mereka, Alma dan adiknya Mia berhijrah dari Jakarta ke Surabaya kerana Alma mendapat kerja sebagai pengurus Pangsapuri Sasmaya. Anehnya, tingkat 6 bangunan itu telah ditutup. Namun, atas urusan penting, Alma dan Mia terpaksa pergi ke tingkat itu dan memasuki unit 610. Di sana, mereka ternampak kelibat wanita misteri dan seorang kanak-kanak. Sejak itu, Alma dan Mia mula berdepan gangguan menakutkan dan mendapati unit 610 itu memang berhantu. Sesiapa yang memasukinya akan mati dalam empat hari ketika matahari terbenam.

Language: Indonesian
Subtitle: English
Classification: 18
Release Date: 9 Jan 2025
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Running Time: 1 Hour 34 Minutes
Distributor: Antenna Entertainments
Cast: Cinta Laura Kiehl, Arifin Putra, Callista Arum
Director: Guntur Soeharjanto
Format: 2D

Showing in 44 cinema locations as of 12:33PM, 21 Jan
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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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