Paradise In Service | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Paradise In Service

Set in the year of 1969, the film follows the adventure of a boy named Pao who serves in military service under Unit 831 during the year of 1969 to 1972, in preparation for a war that could erupt anytime. After drawing an unlucky number from a lottery result, Pao from southern Taiwan has to serve the military in the remote and perilous island of Kinmen which is seen as the most dangerous military base due to its geographical location that is too close to China. Pao is assigned to the Sea Dragon, a unit known for having the toughest physical training. However, Pao is about to find out that that the greatest challenge in his military service is not in the Sea Dragon but lies in Unit 831, a special task he is later appointed to.
Filem ini mengisahkan seorang lelaki muda bernama Pao yang berkhidmat dalam servis tentera di bawah unit 831 dari tahun 1969 sehingga 1972, dalam persediaan menghadapi perang yang bakal meletus bila-bila masa sahaja. Pao yang berasal dari selatan Taiwan terpaksa menjalani tugas di kepulauan Kinmen yang terpencil, yang juga dianggap sebagai kem tentera yang paling bahaya kerana kedudukannya yang terlalu dekat dengan China.

Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English / Malay / Chinese
Classification: 18
Release Date: 6 Nov 2014
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 2 Hours 11 Minutes
Distributor: MM2 Entertainment
Cast: Ethan Juan, Chen Jianbin, Wan Qian
Director: Doze Niu
Format: 2D

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Writer: Cinnamon Lion

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The Good, the Bad and the Lost Paradise

• A psychological romantic war film that revisits Taiwan's history of when the Chinese Nationalist Party strived hard to reclaim China.

• The film explores the relationship between the soldiers and the prostitutes who served them.

• The narration of the film is clear and smooth giving audience the dramatic impact they need.

• Though the film is not particularly the best, it is an enjoyable piece with memorable characters and bittersweet moments.

Look Out For

• The moment when Nini played by Wan Qian sings Marilyn Monroe's song in Otto Preminger's 1957 Western film of the same name, "River of No Return".

Cinema Online, 11 November 2014

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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