29 Februari | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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29 Februari

The first Malaysian 3D film, "29 Februari" focuses on a man born on the leap day of 29 February, and ages only one year in every four years. Because of this unique trait, he has lived through many historical periods of Malaysia; from the colonial years to the Japanese invasion and Independence. Though some may consider it a gift, the man`s long life can also be a curse as he has to face the reality of seeing the ones he loves die. A highlight of the film will be the changing landscape of Malaysia from the early days up to 2012.
Filem 3D Malaysia yang pertama, "29 Februari" membawa fokus kepada seorang lelaki yang dilahirkan pada tahun lompat iaitu pada 29 Februari, dan umurnya hanya meningkat lebih setahun pada setiap empat tahun. Disebabkan oleh hal yang luarbiasa ini, dia telah melalui banyak kisah bersejarah Malaysia, dari zaman kolonial hingga ke zaman penjajahan Jepun dan kemerdekaan. Walaupun ramai menganggapnya sebagai suatu anugerah, umurnya yang panjang boleh juga dikira sumpahan kerana dia perlu berdepan dengan realiti yang mana orang disayangi menemui ajal. Apa yang membuatkan filem ini menarik adalah perubahan rupa Malaysia dari zaman lepas sehingga tahun 2012.
Language: Malay
Subtitle: NA
Classification: U
Release Date: 30 Aug 2012
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Distributor: KRU FILMS
Cast: Remy Ishak, Jojo Goh
Director: Edry Abdul Halim
Format: 35MM, 2D, 3D

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Writer: Peter Chai

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If anything, "29 Februari" is sure to gain the viewers it deserves, seeing that it has the honour of being the first ever stereoscopic 3D Malaysian film, not to mention its release date that is one day before our country's 55th Independence Day. But is it worth a watch?

Directed by Edry Abdul Halim, "29 Februari" leads you through the exceptional life of Budi (Remy Ishak), who only ages once every four years as his birthday falls on 29 February. We are shown how he deals with this fate, which includes him facing the death of his loved ones and losing the love of his life, a Chinese girl called Lily (Jojo Goh) while witnessing the enormous changes that take place in Malaysia throughout the decades.

For those of you who have watched Hollywood classics like "Forest Gump", you will not be surprised with the concept of "29 Februari", as it also links an individual's personal life with that of a nation's historical moments. But director Edry is clever enough to utilize such approach to make the film seem fresh for audiences by blending in local cultural references with Malaysia's historical events, which helps brings us closer to the bittersweet story.

One of the biggest attractions of the movie, the stereoscopic 3D, is not a completely successful attempt made by the director and producers. If you watch it in 3D, you will realise that most of the 3D effects are only used widely in the beginning of the movie until part of the climax of the story. Besides pleasuring our visual senses with historical artefacts during the scenes set in the Malaya era and the main characters' scenes near a beautiful lake with the impressive effects and cinematography, audience will find that most of the scenes could still be well-presented to them without the label of stereoscopic 3D.

It is a good move to set the relationship between Budi and Lily against the racial wars that used to occur back then in the country. Their differences in background, religion and culture remind us about the importance of living together in harmony in a multi-cultural society as it is truly a tragedy to see people surviving in a same community getting rough on each other just because of racial differences.

Remy Ishak does a great job in creating chemistry with Jojo Goh in their romantic and sad scenes. The way his character Budi chases the lady he likes is simply beautiful and sincere, and might bring back fond memories for the older generation of Malaysians when it comes to their relationship experiences during simpler times.

If you are still thinking of how to celebrate your Merdeka holidays and our country's development, watching "29 Februari" in the cinema is not a bad idea to relive Malaysia's more glorious moments.

Cinema Online, 29 August 2012

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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