M.O.X: Misi Operasi X (FFM) | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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M.O.X: Misi Operasi X (FFM)

M.O.X is a spy agency headed by `M` while KFR13 is an organisation led by Komander Moshie. The latter is involved in illegal activities and linked to the international terrorist organisation based in Alaska, which often poses threats to the world`s stability with its high-tech research labs and weapons. Threats from KFR13 has also caused the secret agents from M.O.X to perish or vanish without a trace. During a secret mission in the Philippines, Don Pedro manages to save a Malaysian named Martias who has successfully hacked KFR13`s plan and weapon formula. Since then, KFR13 tails Don Pedro no matter where he goes, including Thailand, Malaysia, India and Alaska, in order to kill him and destroy any evidence linked to them.
M.O.X adalah sebuah badan perisikan yang diketuai oleh 'M' manakala KFR13 pula adalah sebuah organisasi diketuai oleh Komander Moshie. KFR13 menjalankan aktiviti haram dan berkait dengan pertubuhan pengganas antarabangsa berpangkalan di Alaska, yang sering melakukan ancaman kepada kestabilan dunia menggunakan peralatan senjata pemusnah yang canggih. Ancaman KFR13 turut menyebabkan ejen-ejen rahsia M.O.X telah terkorban atau hilang tanpa dikesan. Semasa melaksanakan misi rahsia di Filipina, Don Pedro menyelamatkan seorang pelajar Malaysia bernama Martias yang berjaya menggodam rancangan dan formula senjata KFR13. Semenjak itu, KFR13 mengekori Don Pedro ke mana sahaja dia pergi, termasuk Thailand, Malaysia, India dan Alaska, untuk membunuhnya dan memusnahkan bukti.
Language: Malay
Subtitle: English
Classification: P13
Release Date: 7 Dec 2021
Genre: Action / Drama / Science Fiction
Running Time: 1 Hour 26 Minutes
Distributor: Film Festival Organizer
Cast: Ebi Kornelis, Tya Arifin, Shareeta Selvaraj, Wan Adi Rafuan Datuk Rashid
Director: Zulkifli M. Osman
Format: 2D


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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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