The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons and gathers a force to attack Earth again. The Autobots then discover that Megatron's body has been stolen by Skorpinox and revived using his own Allspark. Now Megatron is back seeking vengeance with Starscream and more Decepticons on the way, the Autobots with their human allies prepare to face off against this new threat. But there's more than meets the eye as an ancient evil force waits to be resurrected for his own revenge. In this continuing war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, the remaining forces on both sides get ready to settle the score once and for all in a fight that places planet Earth once again as their battleground. Let's go though the character lineup and see out who is who.