"Bourne Legacy" pushed to 10 Aug

"Bourne Legacy" pushed to 10 Aug

Jeremy Renner plays the other CIA agent, Aaron Cross, in "The Bourne Legacy".

25 Jun – The next breaking news regarding film postponements is Universal Pictures' delay of the release date of "The Bourne Legacy" for a week, from 3 August to 10 August, moving it further away from Warner Bros. Pictures' highly anticipated "The Dark Knight Rises" and "Legacy"'s shared release date with Sony's remake of "Total Recall".

According to Deadline, a statement from Universal Pictures reported that the studio was looking to "maximise its opening box office potential" by staying away from big time competitors such as "The Dark Knight Rises", which is expected to perform just as well as or better than, Walt Disney Pictures' "Marvel's The Avengers" earlier this year.

The studio is also planning to give the fourth instalment of the Bourne franchise another week of strong promotions during the London Olympics season, which is being televised by Universal's subsidiaries, so as not to put into risk as their latest has swapped veteran star Matt Damon as its protagonist for up-and-rising star Jeremy Renner.

Meanwhile, "The Bourne Legacy" underwent a minor re-shoot from 8 June to 14 June but the studio denied that that was the cause of the delay.

Tony Gilroy, who was the screenwriter of the original trilogy, directed "The Bourne Legacy", which also stars Rachel Weisz and Edward Norton, with reappearances by Joan Allen, David Strathairn, Albert Finney and Scott Glenn.

The films depicts the public and political aftermath of the events of "The Bourne Ultimatum". The CIA has decided to shut down successor "Operation Outcome", and Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner), an agent of Operation Outcome, and Stephanie Snyder (Rachel Weisz), a doctor who helped create the Outcome agents, must find a way to escape before CIA agent Byer (Edward Norton) can have them assassinated.
