14 Jul – The upcoming Vijay Sethupathi movie has now been given the title, "Maharaja". The news was shared by producer Passion Studios, which released the poster of the new movie on social media on 1 July, the tagline read, "What goes around comes around". "Even the darkness fear his brutal politics. Beware, he's coming!" the caption read. "#VJS50 Titled " #Maharaja " Get ready to handle the toughest ones in the game."
The upcoming movie is written and directed by Nithilan Swaminathan of "Kungaru Bommai" fame. Aside from Vijay, the film also stars Anurag Kashyap, Mamta Mohandas and Natty Natraj. It is now in post-production stage. Meanwhile, Vijay will soon be seen in Atlee's "Jawan" alongside Bollywood royalty, Shah Rukh Khan.