6 Apr – Lily Collins, daughter of musician Phil Collins, has been confirmed to play Snow White, beating out Saoirse Ronan who was close to the part in Relativity Media's "The Brothers Grimm: Snow White" directed by Tarsem Singh, confirms MTV News. The 22-year-old actress who was last seen in her big screen debut in 2009's "The Blind Side", will be joining Armie Hammer ("The Social Network") as the Prince, and Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen. "The Brothers Grimm: Snow White" which begins shooting this May, is a faithful retelling of the original fairytale by director Tarsem Singh, whose Greek mythology adventure "Immortals", is due out this year. MTV News interviewed Tarsem Singh where he expressed his reasoning for picking Collins as the lead for his film, which hinges on her unique physical trait. "Her eyebrows. I just saw her eyebrows and I said, 'That's Snow White!'" The director also talked about the unique decision to cast the Queen and the Prince before deciding on Snow White.
"I kind of went the other way around, as opposed to... usually it's Snow White, then the dwarves, then the prince, then the queen. But I had to turn it around the other way, the queen first, then the prince, because the prince goes both ways in this film. He's pulled towards the queen and he's pulled towards Snow White. So if Snow White is going to be very young, let's say, the queen would have to be younger, too, or the prince would have to fall in between... so I went the other way." The director then went onto discuss the visual aesthetics of his fairytale, which will feature monotonous buildings contrasted by colourful costumes. "If you looked at Gaudi's architecture, based in England, it's done like a turn-of-the-century Russian film, done by an Indian guy. It's kind of, like, very monochromatic - everything is in snow, but the costumes are very colourful, and so it's like, no colour and a lot of colour." "The Brothers Grimm: Snow White" will be Tarsem's fourth feature film to date and is planned for a June 2012 release.