Fire at Sandakan Star Cineplex

Fire at Sandakan Star Cineplex

Star Cineplex Sandakan is a 4-screen cinema.

12 Jul – The only cinema at Sandakan, Sabah, Star Cineplex was affected by a fire incident at 4pm today. A number of people were allegedly injured, but no casualties were reported.

Officials have confirmed that the fire had started at the shopping mall downstairs which then had spread to the lobby of the 4-screen cineplex.

Bjarne Wong's Facebook post about the fire.

Reportedly, some of the workers and patrons of the mall and the cineplex were injured as some had jumped off the first level of the building to escape the fire.

This was confirmed by filmmaker Bjarne Wong on Facebook, for who the cineplex is part of his family's business.

Star Cineplex is part of filmmaker Bjarne Wong's family business.

Sharing a photo of the mall's partly burnt up façade, Wong also expressed his gratitude that no one had lost their lives due to the unfortunate incident and that his brother would by flying to Sandakan tomorrow morning to handle business matters.

It is expected that the cineplex will be closed for the next few days.

Stay tuned to for more updates.

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