11 Aug – The rebooted "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" that opened in cinemas last weekend has managed to snag the top spot at the global box office, with a USD 93.7 opening earing itself a sequel. The success of the reboot over Marvel's short lived "Guardians Of The Galaxy" box office domination, has prompted Paramount Pictures to announce that the Ninja Turtles and their human sidekick, Megan Fox, will be coming back in a sequel set for release in two years' time. President of Paramount's Film Group Adam Goodman said, "The result exceeded our high expectations and the response to the film is beyond great, making it all the more fun to get started on the continuation of their story." Michael Bay will also be back onboard as the producer. There are no changes to the screenwriters' lineup as both Josh Appelbaum and André Nemec will be back for the sequel as well. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is a reboot of the film franchise by the same name, which is in turn an adaptation of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird's comic book series also by the same name. It tells the adventures of four teenage mutant ninja turtles named Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael. The crime-fighting brothers enjoy pizza just like any other teenager, live in the city sewers and fight crime when it comes to their city. The sequel is to be released on 3 June 2016.