"Ejen Ali" sets record as highest-grossing 2019 local film in just 6 weeks

"Ejen Ali" sets record as highest-grossing 2019 local film in just 6 weeks

"Ejen Ali: The Movie" has been steadily raking in the box office numbers since its release last November.
"Ejen Ali: The Movie" has been steadily raking in the box office numbers since its release last November.

13 Jan – From day one of its release in cinemas, animated film "Ejen Ali: The Movie" was evidently on a mission to break the local box office. True enough, in just six weeks the Malaysian animation has managed to set its most impressive record yet – becoming the highest-grossing local film of 2019.

Within six weeks since its theatrical release on 28 November 2019, the animated film has collected RM30 million at the local box office.

As mentioned, it's become last year's highest-grossing local film, which also makes it the third highest-grossing local film of all time, putting it behind "Hantu Kak Limah" (RM36.23 million) and "Munafik 2" (RM48 million).

"Ejen Ali: The Movie" has replaced "BoboiBoy Movie 2" as the highest-grossing local animated film.

This also means it is now the number one local animated film, having taken over the spot of "BoBoiBoy Movie 2" (RM29.57 million) at the abovementioned box office chart.

"Ejen Ali: The Movie" previously made RM1.86 million on the opening day itself, with the box office number growing to RM13 million in just one week. It went on to collect RM20 million in two weeks and by the third week, it has already collected RM25 million in total.

Related Movies:
Ejen Ali: The Movie (FFM) (Malay) (05 Dec 2021)
Ejen Ali Musim 2 (Malay) (23 Sep 2017)

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