1 Jun – Everyone is familiar with the popular animated series "Upin & Ipin", but recently the series has gone viral after viewers in Indonesia demanded that the character Fizi apologise for a particular scene that is deemed hurtful. According to Nur Naquyah Burhanuddin, Content Director at Les' Copaque, the scene was not unintentional and was instead deliberately included. "The episode "Syahdunya Syawal" was actually aired on MNCTV on the first day of Aidilfitri. Suddenly it went viral on social media when viewers got mad at Fizi. "This clearly proves that Indonesian viewers love and care for Upin Ipin. Because of that, many got emotional when Fizi said 'there's no heaven for orphans like them'. It's just that, viewers really want Fizi to publicly apologise and will this scene be included? Stay tuned," said Nur Naquyah, according to Harian Metro. She added that the scene was created based on the way children think in real life. Viewers also have to take into consideration the whole episode before judging it since the story is packed with messages. Despite this controversy, Nur Naquyah still took the chance to express her gratitude towards viewers who have continued supporting "Upin Ipin".