6 Apr – Akshay Kumar has recently been hospitalised for precaution after he was tested positive for COVID-19. The Bollywood actor, who was one of the 45 members of the crew who were tested positive for the coronavirus, confirmed the news on Twitter on 4 April, writing, "Following all the protocols, I have immediately isolated myself. I'm under home quarantine and have sought necessary medical care." "I would sincerely request all those that have come in contact with me to get themselves tested and take care. Back in action very soon!"
He also thanked everybody for their well-wishes, saying that he is doing fine and is hospitalised for precautionary measures. Kumar and the rest of his team caught the virus while filming Amazon's Hindi movie, "Ram Setu" in Mumbai. With the actor also in treatment, shooting has been put on hiatus. Directed by Abishek Sharma, "Ram Setu" stars Kumar as an archeologist who is set to explore whether the mythical Ram Setu bridge, said to be built by the god Rama to rescue his wife Sita from the demon god Ravana, is a myth or a reality. The film co-stars Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrat Bharucha.