Triad | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Clearly set in the present day, "Triad" nevertheless exudes an old school 90s vibe with its trio of young wannabes engaging in all number of bloody turf wars on the streets of Mong Kok when not chasing girls, getting gang tattoos or declaring their undying loyalty to each other. College-educated Harvard decides to become a gangster. He is promoted through the ranks, then heads his own team. As Hong Kong prepares for its 1997 handover, Harvard works with the police to ensure survival of his gang. His former boss BJ helps him out and they swear friendship. Harvard is able to move along with the times, cashing in on trends just ahead of the authorities. He gets into businesses beyond their jurisdiction, particularly internet porn. Eventually, Harvard goes legitimate, getting rid of the violent aspects of gangsterhood, alienating the fighters and those who cannot adapt. When Harvard decides to resolve a gangland power struggle by himself, he discovers that someone is betraying him...
Triad mengisahkan tentang tiga pemuda yang berkawan baik yang terlibat dalam kumpulan kongsi gelap. Mereka telah bersumpah akan taat setia antara satu sama lain. Harvard yang mempunyai kelayakan pelajaran di kolej memilih untuk menjadi seorang samseng. Dia dinaikkan pangkat sebelum mengetuai kumpulannya sendiri. Apabila Hong Kong bersiap-sedia untuk menyerah pada tahun 1997, Harvard bekerjasama dengan polis untuk memastikan kumpulannya kekal selamat. Dia diberi pertolongan oleh BJ yang sebelum ini pernah mengetuainya dan mereka bersumpah atas nama persahabatan. Harvard kemudiannya mampu menjalankan kegiatannya seperti biasa dan mengelakkan dirinya ditangkap. Dia membuat perniagaan di luar kuasa mereka, iaitu video lucah di internet. Tidak lama selepas itu, Harvard berjaya mengusir kegiatan gangsterisme serta mereka yang tidak mampu menyesuaikan diri. Apabila Harvard cuba menyelesaikan pergelutan kuasa, dia mula mendapati dirinya dikhianati oleh seseorang...
Language: Cantonese
Subtitle: NA
Classification: 18
Release Date: 6 Dec 2012
Genre: Action / Crime
Running Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Distributor: GSC Movies
Cast: William Chan Wai-Ting, Michelle Wai, Patrick Tam, Irene Wan, Derek Tsang, Edward Tsui
Director: Daniel Chan
Format: 35MM, 2D


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Writer: Ng Suzhen

Writer Ratings:

Watch this if you liked: “Young And Dangerous” franchise and “Brothers”

After the successful run of "Young and Dangerous", the Hong Kong film industry has left a gaping hole in the form of a triad movie that packs as much a memorable punch as the franchise with Ekin Cheng's Chan Ho Nam and Jordan Chan's Chicken forever etched in the hearts of triad movie fans.

What "Triad" aims to achieve, is to replace that gap, hoping that the lead William Chan will make an impact as unforgettable as Ekin Cheng did. However, unlike Cheng, who is able to convey a young and brash character as well as a seasoned one as time goes by, Chan looks too youthful for the part.

Perfect as a student starting out in the triads, Chan looks too young as a calm, calculative and vicious triad leader. There is no picking his acting chops, but youthfulness may be his bane in this case, which is a pity.

Joining Chan, who plays university grad turned triad leader Ah Ting, are Derek Tsang (aka son of Hong Kong film veteran Eric Tsang) and Edward Chui as Ah Cheung and Ah Dong respectively. While the movie does not really explain in detail on how the three become best buddies, it works well in subsequently conveying the strong bond they have with each other.

The reason for using totally fresh faces is probably to suggest that the world should prepare for the next generation of film makers, mirroring the same thought in the Hong Kong underworld. It is constantly suggested that the time has come to make way for forward thinking in the fast-paced society, and that the old should be giving way to the young.

Unfortunately, the young ones are too busy with their own achievements to notice that the old may still have some tricks up their sleeves.

Young blood aside in terms of casting, the people audiences are really looking forward to see would be veterans Patrick Tam and Irene Wan. Both are excellent in their roles as higher-up members in the triad society. The history between them is subtly suggested through flashback and their carefully distanced yet intimate meet-ups. At times, you would wish to learn more about their past rather than find out what happens next in the movie.

Audiences would be able to make out early in "Triad" of what to expect as the trait of triad films does not seem to steer far from blueprints of previous films in the same category. It is commendable though, that it tries its best not to recycle familiar plots, adding in a twist or two.

Cinema Online, 07 December 2012

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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