The New Village | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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The New Village

The year is 1949. The nation is plunged into a state of emergency after a deadly clash between the British military administration and the Malayan Communist Party occurs. Some 500,000 Chinese villagers are resettled into 480 camps throughout the Malay Peninsula as a means to curb communist activity among the villagers. "The New Village", which spans 40 years, revolves around a Hakka family and how they go about their daily lives after the British declared the state of emergency and beyond.
Filem yang memaparkan kisah yang berlaku pada 1949, dimana Tanah Melayu ketika itu diisytihar darurat setelah peperangan berlaku antara pentadbiran tentera British dengan Parti Komunis Malaya. Seramai 500,000 penduduk Cina telah dipindahkan di 480 kem di seluruh Semenanjung Tanah Melayu untuk membendung aktiviti komunis. Akta Perkampungan Baru 1949 yang telah diwujudkan selama 40 tahun menceritakan bagaimana keluarga Hakka menjalani rutin harian mereka setelah British mengisytiharkan darurat.

Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: NA
Classification: NA
Genre: Historical
Running Time: NA
Distributor: GSC MOVIES
Cast: Lenna Lim, Kevin Soo, Teh Young, Kevin Soo, Jeff Chin, Khor Ewe Pin, Sam Chong, Bernard Hiew, Hui Mei
Director: Wong Kew-Lit

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