The Woman In Black: Angel Of Death | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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The Woman In Black: Angel Of Death

This sequel to the 2012 movie, "The Woman in Black", is set during the London Blitz of World War II, where a group of school children and their teacher seek shelter in the English countryside. They arrive at the abandoned Eel Marsh House where ominous things start to take place. Before long, the children start acting strange and with the help of a local military commander, the teacher is tasked to save the children from `the woman in black`.
Filem ini merupakan sekuel kepada filem tahun 2012 berjudul "The Woman in Black". Peristiwa dalam filem ini berlaku ketika Perang Dunia Kedua. Sekumpulan budak sekolah dan guru mereka mencari perlindungan di kawasan perkampungan England. Mereka tiba di sebuah rumah terbiar, Eel Marsh House, di mana beberapa perkara ganjil telah berlaku. Tidak lama selepas menetap di rumah itu, budak-budak sekolah tersebut mula berkelakuan aneh. Dengan bantuan seorang askar tempatan, guru mereka harus menyelamatkan mereka daripada 'perempuan berbaju hitam'.
Language: English
Subtitle: Malay / Chinese
Classification: P13
Release Date: 1 Jan 2015
Genre: Thriller / Drama / Horror
Running Time: 1 Hour 38 Minutes
Distributor: GSC MOVIES
Cast: Phoebe Fox, Jeremy Irvine, Helen McCrory, Adrian Rawlins, Leanne Best, Ned Dennehy
Director: Tom Harper
Format: 2D

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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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