Rock Dog | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Rock Dog

Bodi is a wide-eyed Tibetan Mastiff who is expected to take over his father`s role as the next village guard to a group of fun-loving, country-side sheep. However, he doesn`t have the passion for it. When a radio falls down from the sky and into the hands of Bodi, playing a song by rock legend Angus Scattergood, Bodi`s heart is opened to a whole new world of music where he dreams of becoming a famous musician. As Bodi leaves his home to chase his dream, he attracts the attention of his father`s nemesis, Linnux, leader of a hungry wolf pack who plans on using Bodi to get back into the village so that he can devour the delicious sheep. It is now up to Bodi to save them from danger but at the same time, follow his newfound dream.
Bodi adalah seekor anjing Tibetan Mastiff yang ditakdirkan untuk mengambil alih peranan bapanya sebagai penjaga kepada sekumpulan kambing di kampung walaupun dia tidak berminat dengan peranan itu. Apabila sebuah radio, yang ketika itu sedang memainkan lagu oleh penyanyi rock lagenda Angus Scattergood, jatuh dari langit ke tangan Bodi, dia mula memasang impian untuk menjadi pemuzik terkenal. Bodi kemudian telah meninggalkan rumah untuk mengejar cita-citanya. Ini menarik perhatian musuh bapanya, Linnux, ketua serigala yang merancang untuk menggunakan Bodi untuk kepentingannya sendiri.

Genre: Animation
Running Time: NA
Cast: Luke Wilson, J.K. Simmons, Eddie Izzard
Director: Ash Brannon


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13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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