Champions (EFF) | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Champions (EFF)

A row with his head coach during a game causes Marco Montes, the arrogant and bad-mannered assistant coach of the basketball team CB Estudiantes, to lose his job. He then gets in trouble with the police for drunk driving and is sentenced to either 90 days of community service or two years in prison. He ends up with the latter and must now coach Los Amigos, a team made up of people with intellectual disabilities. While he looks down on them initially, he begins to realise there is a lot for him to learn from the team.
Pertengkaran bersama ketua jurulatih ketika satu pertandingan yang sedang berlangsung menyebabkan Marco Montes, seorang pembantu jurulatih bagi pasukan bola keranjang CB Estudiantes yang bersikap sombong dan biadap, telah dibuang kerja. Dia kemudiannya ditahan polis akibat memandu dalam keadaan mabuk dan diberi pilihan sama ada dipenjara selama dua tahun atau melakukan khidmat masyarakat selama 90 hari, iaitu menjadi jurulatih kepada sekumpulan orang kurang upaya. Biarpun pada mulanya dia memandang rendah kepada kumpulan itu, tetapi lama-kelamaan dia mula sedar bahawa dia banyak belajar dari mereka.

Language: Spanish
Subtitle: English
Classification: NA
Release Date: 30 Oct 2020
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Running Time: 2 Hours 6 Minutes
Distributor: Film Festival Organizer
Cast: Javier Gutiérrez, Juan Margallo, Athenea Mata, Luisa Gavasa
Director: Javier Fesser
Format: 2D

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18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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