White Snake (CFF) | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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White Snake (CFF)

Following an incident, Xiao Bai loses her memory and is unaware that she is a white snake demon. Still in her human form, she meets a man Ah Xuan, who is a snake catcher. A bond eventually grows between them and Ah Xuan decides to help her restore her memory. Xiao Bai begins remembering her past after encountering her sister Xiao Qing, a green snake demon who tries to make her see her true identity. Xiao Bai must now decide whether to stay with Ah Xuan and be labelled a traitor, or return to her old life with the other snake demons.
Susulan satu insiden, Xiao Bai mengalami hilang ingatan dan tidak sedar bahawa dia adalah ular jadian putih. Ketika masih berada dalam bentuk manusia, dia bertemu Ah Xuan, seorang penangkap ular. Hubungan mereka semakin rapat dan Ah Xuan bercadang untuk membantu memulihkan ingatannya. Xiao Bai mula mengingati masa lampaunya selepas bertemu kakaknya Xiao Qing, ular jadian hijau yang cuba mengembalikan identitinya. Kini Xiao Bai perlu membuat keputusan sama ada untuk terus tinggal bersama Ah Xuan dan dilabel sebagai pengkhianat, atau kembali ke kehidupan lamanya bersama ular-ular jadian yang lain.

Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English / Chinese
Classification: P13
Release Date: 17 Sep 2022
Genre: Action / Adventure / Animation
Running Time: 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Distributor: Film Festival Organizer
Cast: Zhang Zhe, Yang Tianxiang, Tang Xiaoxi, Liu Ziling
Director: Amp Wong, Zhao Ji
Format: 2D


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P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
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16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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