9 Mar – The Japanese animated feature, "Demon Slayer - Kimetsu No Yaiba The Movie: Mugen Train" was revealed to be the top choice for cinemagoers in the five days since Malaysian theatres were opened for the first time in months following the previous lockdown. The movie, which is a direct sequel to the 2019 anime series, "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" made over RM1.5 million at the box office since its release on 5 March, making it the number one movie surpassing even Disney's "Raya and the Last Dragon" and its rival animated feature, "Stand By Me Doraemon 2".
On the other hand, other movies that are currently showing include Andy Lau-starrers "Shock Wave 2" and "Endgame", Tamil films "Master" and "Mirugaa", as well as horror movie, "Don't Look Back". At the same time, GSC and TGV are also re-releasing several previously released movies, including "Wonder Woman 1984". Following the government's announcement that theatres would be reopening beginning 5 March with strict SOP, it was revealed that families and couples are now also allowed to sit next to one another instead of one seat apart like before. More movies will be released this week, including the Milla Jovovich starrer, "Monster Hunter", Thai comedy-romance, "The Con-Heartist", and the Malay thriller-comedy "Selamat Hari X Jadi".