Meet the crew of USS Enterprise!

Meet the crew of USS Enterprise!

24 Apr – Whether you liked or disliked the last four motion blur character posters (which you can check out on our Facebook page), the marketing department over at Paramount Pictures are determined to put out more, just to emphasize how action-packed "Star Trek Into Darkness" is that even the characters cannot stay still for a photograph.

With that, seven new UK character posters have been released for J. J. Abrams's upcoming sequel to 2009's "Star Trek", but the lack of posters or promotional images for Anton Yelchin's Chekov has gone unnoticed by fans, and many are already speculating about his character's fate. The same goes for Simon Pegg's Scotty. What do you think?

Karl Urban as Lieutenant Commander Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy.

John Cho as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu.

Zoe Saldana as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura.
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