24 Jul – Farid Kamil, scriptwriter and star of the successful 2006 illegal motor racing movie "Remp-It", finds himself in unfamiliar territory as his directorial debut "Remp-It V3" is embroiled in controversy with authorities over its content. At a press event for another movie, director Mamat Khalid's "Estet", he told Cinema Online: "Word from the censors at the first screening was that 'this is just the kind of movie that could be banned'. Of course I'm worried! This is my first movie as a director. I put everything into this. I followed all the guidelines. If the decision is final, I will be very, very disappointed and angry." It was further learned that a panel of the board, comprising the Home Office, felt that the movie would need major editing if it were to make general release. However, a phone call to Metrowealth producer David Teo, who was behind the RM 4.1 million success of the first movie, revealed that the young director need not worry too much. He said: "There is no black and white. We get these things all the time. Please don't speculate on the banning of this movie. We will tell the press if we receive any notice." It is believed that public outcry over the current mat rempit menace in the country may be a factor to consider over the release of this movie.