"High School Musical: The Series" would like to reunite original stars

"High School Musical: The Series" would like to reunite original stars

Imagine the gang coming back
Imagine the gang coming back

21 Sep - "High School Musical" showrunner Tim Federle has recently denied that Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are going to appear in his show, "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series", though admitted that he would love to do a show with the whole original cast.

Federle, who spoke to TVLine recently, stated that he has been thinking of creative ways to reunite the "High School Musical" stars in the story. This is after Corbin Bleu, who played Chad Danforth in the original, played a version of himself in the third season of the Disney+ show.

Corbin Bleu appeared on season 3 of "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series"
Corbin Bleu appeared on season 3 of "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series"

"Corbin had such a good time this season, he said, 'If you ever want me to come back, just know this has been so much fun,'" Federle explained.

"So that sort of inspired me to think, 'What if our kids went back to school and had to be extras in a movie?' Our show is so absurdly meta, it's just going to turn into Inception one day. We're really excited."

As for Efron and Hudgens' previous social media posts that have both of them, albeit individually, sharing photos in front of the school building used as East High, Federle said, "I'm going to chalk that up to being a remarkable coincidence, but we'd love to get Zac and Vanessa and all of them back, so we're actively working on that right now."

Zac Efron shared a photo of him in front of the high school back in July
Zac Efron shared a photo of him in front of the high school back in July

Looks like Vannessa is game to come back too
Looks like Vannessa is game to come back too

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