Writer: Chen Pelf YeenWriter Ratings:Overall: Cast: Plot: Effects: Cinematography: Watch this if you liked: "Sepet", "Gubra"
Everyone has a first love to talk about. This is the love story of Mukhsin (Mohd Shafie Naswip) and Orked (Sharifah Aryana) when he is 12 and she is 10.
The first time Orked set eyes on Mukhsin is when he sees Orked playing in the rain. From that moment on, his heart is on fire and his hand is 'dancing' to the song that Kak Yam (Adibah Noor) is singing as he goes to his aunt's house.
Orked does not behave like the other girls in her village. She is sent to a Chinese medium school, she speaks English and prefers to read rather than to play with her peers. While other children tolerate her participation in their games and revelry, the tomboyish Orked is very much treated like an outsider.
Things change when Mukhsin, a boy from another village, gets to know of Orked.
Mukhsin's existence has made Orked's life more memorable. Their friendship blossoms overnight, even to the extent that they begin to dress alike, running around barefooted, cycling, flying kites and climbing trees.
There are a few scenes in which Mukhsin has tried to tell Orked that he likes her, such as in the car when Orked's parents are bringing both Orked and Mukhsin to a faraway place to get rid of the family cat, Bujang; and when Mukhsin and Orked are on a tree where Mukhsin has just taught her how to climb one. But he never manages to tell her.
The entire cast is credible. Mohd Shafie Naswip and Sharifah Aryana both give such a good performance that I almost cried at the scene when Mukhsin is about to leave Orked, crying and saying his last sentence, "Orked dah baca tulisan dekat ekor layang-layang yang Mukhsin bagi?' (Have you read the message I wrote on the kite?)
There are also a few hilarious scenes - such as when Mukshin puts on too much gel on his hair in his effort to impress Orked; or when Orked throws a big bully's bag out of the school bus window; and when her mother Mak Inom (Sharifah Aleya) punishes her for being naughty.
"Mukshin" also features special appearances by Ho Yuhang, the director of "Rain Dogs". He acts as a typical Chinese boss who sells furniture but can hardly pronounce a single Malay word right. There are also appearances from model-cum-actor Alan Yun and Ng Choo Seong.
Director Yazmin Ahmad has done a very good job in bringing out the story. She has brought the love story of two young children who fall for each other at first sight seem so real. In fact, Yasmin has written and directed a movie that recalls everyone's first love.
Credit should also be given to the theme song "Rain", a heart-warming number composed by Yasmin's parents, Inon Yon and Ahmad Hashim.
The hilarious yet sad story in "Mukhsin" makes me laugh and cry at the same time. How can this story be so real, so similar to what most of us have experienced? It does not matter why Yasmin has decided to produce a prequel of "Sepet" and "Gubra", so long as this film speaks the heart of everyone who has encountered the same experience during their yesteryear.
All in all, this movie focuses on the friendship between Mukhsin and Orked. It is also about second chances -- that one may have to communicate his or her feelings.
Cinema Online, 23 September 2008