MY BEST FRIEND'S GIRL | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Smart, beautiful and headstrong, Alexis is the Dustin`s dream girl. However, love-struck Dustin comes on so strong that Alexis retreats. Desperate to get her back, Dustin turns to his best friend, Tank, the rebound specialist who is hired by freshly dumped guys to take their ex-es out on the worst date of their lives - an experience so horrible it sends them running gratefully back to their beaus.

Language: English
Subtitle: NA
Classification: 18PL
Release Date: 23 Oct 2008
Genre: Comedy / Romance
Running Time: 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Cast: Kate Hudson, Dane Cook, Alec Baldwin, Jason Biggs
Director: Howard Deutch
Format: NA


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Writer: Loong Wai Ting

Writer Ratings:

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If you ever think that "My Best Friend's Girl" is going to be another typical run-of-the-mill kind of comedy movie, you might be surprised because it offers more than that. It's a witty sort of movie with punchier lines that may or may not be sweet to the ears.

Speaking of originality, "My Best Friend's Girl" also deserves a big round of applause right at the end of the show where the twist is slightly (and pleasantly) less cliched than you would expect. The humour from each line coming out from Dane Cook's mouth is just masterpiece. It must have been very difficult to write dialogues for a man who is so charming and vulgar at the same time. It is something that would capture everyone's attention for sure.

Putting aside the rude and obscene conversations, "My Best Friend's Girl" is best enjoyed with an open mind. Just go there and laugh your heart out. I mean that's the whole point going for a comedy, right?

Okay, enough of the goody stuff. What's bad about "My Best Friend's Girl" is that there are times when some scenes in the movie should be just cut off because they don't help the story. It really is a waste of time seeing Dane Cook dancing for too long with Kate Hudson during the high school prom night. The director should also just forget about that "nice" little chat with a fat kid. These scenes do nothing for the movie and should be omitted; yet the interesting scenes that we do want to see are cut because of censorship!

Moving on, perhaps the director can play with the camera a little more. Except for the opening and ending shot of Manhattan, other more interesting angles could have been attempted. However the soundtrack is just awesome. You even have Johnny Cash's "When The Man Comes Around" playing when Dane Cook is wearing black.

Last but not least, don't watch "My Best Friend's Girl" as a lone ranger. Take a couple of friends along to bring down the whole cinema. I meant that figuratively! You could bring your boyfriend and girlfriend too - let them see what it means to be in a serious relationship. They might enjoy it as much as I did.

Cinema Online, 20 October 2008

U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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