Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway

Based on the novel series of the same name, this movie is set to be the first in a trilogy. It takes place twelve years after the Second Neo Zeon War in "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char`s Counterattack". It follows Hathaway Noa, who is the son of celebrated Federation Captain Bright Noa, leading a terrorist organisation called Mafty and disrupting the peace on Earth and its colonies, as it tries to prevent the Earth Federation from privatizing the Earth to the privileged.
Berdasarkan siri novel yang sama judulnya, filem ini merupakan filem pertama dalam triloginya. Ia berlatarkan 12 tahun selepas Perang Neo Zeon Kedua dalam "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack". Ia mengisahkan Hathaway Noa, anak lelaki kepada Kapten Persekutuan Bright Noa, yang mengetuai organisasi pengganas bernama Mafty dan mengancam ketenteraman Bumi dan koloninya, ketika ia cuba untuk menghalang Persekutuan Bumi daripada memberi keistimewaan kepada golongan kaya di Bumi.

Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Classification: NA
Release Date: Undated
Genre: Anime
Running Time: NA
Distributor: GSC Movies
Format: 2D

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