25 Jun – The 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by KRU animation studio; Kartun Studios, "Ribbit", had its world premiere at the Niagara Integrated Film Festival 2014 in Ontario, Canada and was also honoured with the Best Family Film award last Saturday 21 June 2014. "Ribbit" tells a story about a frog with an identity crisis going on an adventure to search for his true self and the real meaning of his life. Directed by Chuck Power, the Chief Creative Officer of Kartun Studios, the film features a talented voice cast from Hollywood which includes, Sean Astin from "The Lord of the Rings", Tim Curry from "The Rocky Horror Show", famous Canadian comedian Russell Peters and American voice actress Cherami Leigh. "Ribbit" will also be adapted for the Malay language with Mamat Khalid as the film director and the film will feature the voices of local talents such as Johan Raja Lawak, Elfira Loy, Awie, Datuk Aznil Haji Nawawi and Izzue Islam.
Executive Producer, President and Group CEO of the KRU Group of Companies, Norman A. Halim stated, "We are honoured and excited that we have garnered such a recognition in our first foray into the animation arena. We have been in the entertainment business since 1992, however we realize that the best way for us to go global is via animated feature films and television shows. We have gathered the best talents in the region for 'Ribbit'." The film is set to premiere in Malaysia on 4 September 2014 and will be released in several major countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, and others.