22 Oct – After 11 years, actor and comedian Chris Rock is getting another go at hosting the prestigious movie awards ceremony known as the Oscars. The 50-year-old recently posted a photo of himself on Instagram holding the iconic golden statuette, simply captioned "Look who's back. #Oscars." The "Madagascar" star first hosted the awards ceremony back in 2005. Despite some drawbacks in the form of older Oscar officials deeming his hosting style unsuitable and even Rock himself leaving some unsatisfactory comments regarding the event, it seems that he was still lovable enough to be picked to host for the second time. "Chris Rock is truly the MVP of the entertainment industry," said producers David Hill and Reginald Hudlin in a statement. "Comedian, actor, writer, producer, director, documentarian – he's done it all. He's going to be a phenomenal Oscar host!" Rock likewise shared their sentiment, saying, "I'm so glad to be hosting the Oscars, it's great to be back." The 87th Academy Awards held earlier this year was hosted by actor Neil Patrick Harris, who went the whole nine yards – magic trick, stripping down to his underwear to honour "Birdman", but still only managed to gain a 16% viewership for the TV broadcast, the Oscars' lowest in six years. Bringing Rock back could be one way to salvage the decreasing ratings, as Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs said, "He is certain to bring his amazing array of talents to this year's show." The 88th Academy Awards will take place on 28 February 2016 at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. (Photo source: Variety)