6 Jun – Director and producer Norman Abdul Halim has revealed that KRU Studios is set to produce a new animated film. "For KRU Studios' new project, we will be producing a new animated film that is expected to cost around RM15 million to make," said Norman to Cinema Online, at KRU Music's – the company's music division - 23rd anniversary celebration in Cyberjaya recently. However, he shared no further details as the project is still in its early stages of development. Norman also revealed that the studio will not be producing any Malay films in the meantime, due to the poor box office performance of local movies at the cinemas. "The local film industry is not doing so well and makes very little collection. So, for the time being, we will not be producing any Malay film," he said. "This doesn't mean that we will stop making Malay films, but we will be reducing film productions and only produce films with small budgets," he added. "But for an animated film, we are willing to invest millions in it as we are confident that it will provide high return of investment as well as able to penetrate the global market."