15 Mar – Local animation studio, Animasia Studio has signed a deal with an animation studio from China, Zero One Animation to co-produce the 3D animated feature, "Chuck Chicken – The Movie". According to Screen Daily, the USD8 million animated film is a spin-off from the popular animated series "Chuck Chicken" which airs on Disney China, Disney South East Asia, Nickelodeon India and Middle East, as well as CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) regional TV stations. The animated series is very popular in China as it has a total of 300 million views within 6 months. The pre-production of the film will start in June, followed by its CGI production in late 2016. "Chuck Chicken – The Movie" is expected for a release in 2018. The signing ceremony saw to the attendance of the Managing Director Animasia Edmund Chan, General Manager of Zero One Helen Dong and Deputy Director of Fujian Province Department of Commerce Tang Huiqin. Animation production services have contributed to the export revenue of Malaysia's creative content industry, making up to USD140 million in 2014, compared to USD46 million in 2009. Untuk baca artikel ini dalam BM, klik di SINI.