Dr Md Nasir Ibrahim is the new CEO of FINAS

Dr Md Nasir Ibrahim is the new CEO of FINAS

Dr Md Nasir takes over from former CEO Ahmad Idham
Dr Md Nasir takes over from former CEO Ahmad Idham

1 Nov – The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM) has announced the appointment of Professor Dr Md Nasir Ibrahim as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS).

Dr Md Nasir, who is replacing former CEO Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri after the latter ended his duties on 15 October, will be serving for a period of two years effective 1 November 2021 until 30 October 2023.

KKMM Secretary General Datuk Seri Mohammad Mentek in a statement said, "We are confident that Dr Md Nasir's vast expertise and experience in the creative industry, especially in arts and culture, can drive FINAS as a leading body to encourage, preserve and contribute to the progress of the country's film industry."

"I believe the synergy between him and the members of FINAS will continue to strengthen a more comprehensive direction, planning and implementation to boost the film industry and the creative economy locally and internationally," he said.

Graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Arts Education from the University of Tasmania, Australia in 2008 and a postdoctoral in the same field from the Sheffield Halam University, United Kingdom in 2014, the Sec-Gen added that Dr Md Nasir's excellence has also been proven in terms of taking on responsibilities, including becoming the Deputy Rector of Academic Affairs at the Academy of Arts and Cultural Heritage (ASWARA) and a lecturer at the Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI).

Ahmad Idham stepped down as CEO of FINAS on 15 October 2021

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