14 Dec – Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal are still in a wedding mood, it seems, as the husband and wife have shared more and more photos from their three-day affair on social media. The couple, who finally posted photos from their 9 December wedding on social media last weekend, have now posted photos from the previous mehndi and haldi ceremony, which was reportedly held the day prior to the grand wedding. In posts dated 11 December, both Vicky and Katrina shared similar photos from their haldi ceremony with the caption, "Shukr. Sabr. Khushi." with Katrina revealing images from her side as she smiled brightly while family and close friends sprinkled petals on her. Meanwhile, Vicky posted a photo of him getting water poured on himself, as he sat down calmly, sunglasses all intact.
A day later, they shared photos from their mehndi ceremony, the pre-wedding celebration in Hindu and Sikh culture when the bride has the red-orange mehndi applied to her palms, back of hands, and feet. It was a fun night, it seemed, as the couple danced and laughed with family and friends.
On the other hand, Katrina recently shared several more photos on 13 December of her with her sisters, who walked with her on her way to the wedding venue on the big day. She posted, "Growing up, we sisters always protected each other. They are my pillars of strength and we keep each other grounded... May it always stay that way!"
On the other hand, it was reported that the couple, who tied the knot in Rajasthan, will be holding another reception in Mumbai later where industry friends who couldn't attend the 120-guest affair will be able to celebrate their marriage.