15 Mar – It looks like Ed Sheeran has been going everywhere and becoming his own one-man ambassador, as he recently shared his meeting with Bollywood superstar, Shah Rukh Khan. The British singer-songwriter, who recently arrived in India for the Mumbai leg of his "Mathematics" tour, shared a short clip of him with the "Jawan" actor doing SRK's signature move. The two can be seen standing next to each other, legs wide spread, as Shah Rukh led him to do his signature arms spread pose set to the song "Deewangi Deewangi". He captioned it, "This is the Shape of Us. Spreading love together..."
Fans couldn't help but be amused by the clip, with one writing, "Mandatory pose. If you come to India, you have to do this." Another joked, "I have never seen a human being do the SRK pose worse than this." Prior to meeting SRK, Sheeran visited a school in Mumbai and swapped performances with the kids.