In Your Hands | Movie Release, Showtimes & Trailer | Cinema Online
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In Your Hands

Ever since the death of his neighbour and mentor, Mr. Jacques, the musical talent of a young man called Matt has gone neglected. Still, he can`t help playing a tune on the piano whenever he sees one, which is how music academy director Pierre Geithner discovers him and learns of his exceptional gift in music, as Pierre spots him playing a public piano at a busy train station in Paris. One day, he gets thrown into jail for repeat petty theft. Pierre uses this chance to get his prison sentence converted to public work at the music academy. Unknown to Matt, the director plans to transform him into a prize-winning concert pianist to save the academy`s reputation. However, he struggles and falters as his doubt of his own ability stands in the way of him achieving greatness.
Mathieu Malinski, atau Matt, merupakan seorang pemuda bermasalah yang datang dari latar belakang keluarga yang sederhana. Namun begitu, dia berbakat dalam bermain piano dan berjaya menarik perhatian pengarah Konservatori Muzik Kebangsaan, Pierre Geithner, ketika dia bermain piano di sebuah stesen kereta api di Paris. Matt telah lama menyimpan bakatnya sejak kematian jirannya, Mr. Jacques, yang juga mentornya. Suatu hari, dia telah dipenjarakan kerana terlibat dengan kes kecurian dan kemudiannya dibantu oleh Pierre, di mana Pierre telah menukar hukumannya menjadi kerja amal di akademi muzik itu. Tanpa pengetahuannya, Pierre cuba untuk mendaftarkannya ke sebuah pertandingan muzik dengan harapan untuk menyerlahkan bakatnya. Bagaimanapun, dia bergelut dengan diri sendiri kerana tidak yakin dengan bakatnya yang dianggap masih mentah.
Genre: Drama
Running Time: NA
Cast: Lambert Wilson, Kristin Scott Thomas, Jules Benchetrit
Director: Ludovic Bernard


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U - General viewing for all ages
P12 - Parental guidance required for audiences under the age of 12.
13 - For audiences aged 13 years old and above.
16 - For audiences aged 16 years old and above.
18 - For 18+ with elements for mature audiences
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