3 Jun – Moviegoers who have yet to watch "Redha" or wish to watch it again, here is a chance to catch the movie – it's set to be screened at Singapore's The Projector next month. Director Tunku Mona Riza announced on social media that the family drama film will be screened at The Projector from 29 to 31 July. "Redha", Tunku Mona's directorial debut, was a 2-year project that aims to develop a public awareness on autism. It tells the story of a family's struggle as the parents cope with raising their autistic son. The movie was officially released back in April, in conjunction with the Autism Awareness Month. Though box office reception had been lukewarm, the movie did garner numerous positive feedbacks and praises for its eye-opening message. During its run in Malaysian cinemas, for every ticket purchased for "Redha" at GSC cinemas, Current Pictures and GSC Cinemas donated RM1.00 to the National Autism Society Malaysia (NASOM). The charity campaign had successfully collected RM30,000.